Interested in Joining Southampton Rotary?
Dive in and explore our website, and Social Media pages to get a feel of what we do. If that resonates with you and you want to know more, we would be delighted to tell you more.
The next step is an invitation to check us out by attending some meetings or participating in one of our events and then you will discover how your talents and interests will fit you and Rotary best.
We will then chat with you at a Rotary 101 session about how Rotary fits with your lifestyle, family, and work commitments and then what form of membership works best for you. We would interested in knowing “Why?” you would like to join us and secondly “What do you want to get from being a member?”
Find Your Perfect Fit: Southampton Rotary is just one of many options in our area. Explore clubs in: Kincardine | Lions Head (Northern Bruce Peninsula) | Owen Sound | Paisley | Port Elgin | Saugeen Shores | Tara | Walkerton | Wiarton.
Contact us and we would be happy to answer your questions and tell you more about the opportunities of becoming a Rotarian. To find out more scroll down the page.

Our motto, ‘SERVICE ABOVE SELF’, embodies our humanitarian spirit
If you join us, we would help grow your skills and talents to make the world a better place through our 5 Avenues of Service:
What are your opportunities ?
- make new friends and contacts
- get involved in local and international projects
- travel and meet Rotarians throughout the world through our Friendship Exchange and other Programs.
- learn new things and improve your public speaker and leadership skills via online learning and practice at our meetings or by planning and managing one of our many projects and events.
What are your obligations?
- Bring your ideas and passions to help improve our club
- Get involved and join a committee and support our events and service activities
- Attend regular meetings
- Time commitment a minimum of around 4 hours per month, but if you really want to get involved and you have the time it can be more
- Comply with the Guiding Principles of Rotary and the Code of Conduct
- Support our Foundation
- Over time look to taking on a leadership role within the club and perhaps beyond
- Pay dues, currently $205 a year.

We meet most Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for 7 pm and end around 8:15 pm
Venue: Rotary Hall, 39 Grey Street, Southampton, Ontario. N0H 2L0
Our standard meeting schedule typically follows this pattern:
- First Wednesday of the month - Guest Speaker
- Week of second Wednesday of the month - Committee Week
- Monday Preceding the third Wednesday of the month - Board Meeting (lately it has been Tuesday
- Third Wednesday of the month - Business Meeting
- Fourth Wednesday of the month (or during that week) - Club Social
Meetings are often hybrid via Zoom to permit members to join in when travelling.

Rotary Theme Months
January – Vocational Service
February – Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
March – Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
April – Environment
May – Youth Service
June – Rotary Fellowships
July – Maternal and Child Health
August – Membership & Extension
September - Basic Education and Literacy
October - Economic and Community Development
November - Rotary Foundation
December - Disease Prevention and Treatment