Less well known is our dedication to international understanding, peace and goodwill throughout the world by our international service efforts.
The Rotary club of Southampton has a rich history dating back to the Second World War of helping those in need around the world.
Typically, around 20% of our club’s funds are devoted to global initiatives. Whether its vaccinating a child against polio, or building a well to provide clean water or improving child and maternal health in a developing county. We proactively respond to disasters through our support of the internationally recognised Shelter Box and Aqua Box programs, you will see us in action on the world stage.
Southampton Rotary and Rotary Hand Up Unite to Provide Clean Water to Guatemala
Southampton, Ontario - July 21, 2023 - Southampton Rotary, in collaboration with Rotary Hand Up, is excited to announce the receipt of a generous global grant of $34,000 CAD from the Rotary Foundation. This significant grant will contribute to a transformative project in Guatemala, aiming to construct eight Rain Harvesters with a total project value of $54,600 CAD. The Hand Up Clubs have contributed $19,600 to this project. As well as writing the grant application and leading the project on behalf of Hand Up the Rotary Club of Southampton has made a direct cash contribution of $2,000 CAD towards this vital endeavour.

Peace Pole - Perkins Park, Southampton
On September 21, 2023, the community in Southampton, came together for a momentous occasion to rededicate the Southampton Rotary Peace Pole. This powerful symbol of unity united community leaders, representatives, and residents for a day of reflection and peace. The Pole was first dedicated in 2022 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations a year earlier. The ceremony was delayed by a year due to COVID-19.

The re-dedication ceremony featured addresses from notable figures, including Club President Dave Bertrand and Deputy Mayor Diane Huber, Lori Kewaquom from Saugeen First Nation illuminated the translation process of the Peace Pole's message into Ojibwa. - "Bekaadesewin".
This year the club is hosting Rei Kaneda, a Japanese Rotary Youth Exchange Student, and the club added a Peace message in Japanese and Rei took the opportunity to bring greetings from her home country.

Past President, Jenny Amy gave a short address on the meaning of peace to conclude the ceremony and formally invited all present to reflect and rededicate the pole by saying the words 'May Peace Prevail on Earth'.


What is a Peace Pole?

Peace Poles Originated in post-WWII Japan, and our Pole now stands as a beacon of Rotary's commitment to peacebuilding. Inscribed with 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' in eight languages, it embodies the collective hope for peace worldwide.

A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing in vigil for peace on earth. Each Peace Pole bears the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' in different languages on each of its four or six sides. There are an estimated 250,000 Peace Poles in every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace.
Planting a Peace Pole is a way of bringing people together to inspire, awaken, and uplift the human consciousness the world over. Peace Poles are now recognized as the most prominent international symbol and monument to peace. They remind us to think, speak, and act in the spirit of peace and harmony.  Stand as a silent visual for peace to prevail on earth.

One famous quote often attributed to Chinese philosopher, Laozi, that encapsulates his view on peace is:

"If there is to be peace in the world,

there must be peace in the nations.

If there is to be peace in the nations,

there must be peace in the cities.

If there is to be peace in the cities,

there must be peace between neighbours.

If there is to be peace between neighbours,

there must be peace in the home.

If there is to be peace in the home,

there must be peace in the heart."