
Call Henry on 519 797 1388 for further information.
Southampton Rotary 31st Annual "Swing onto Summer" Golf Tournament
Get a team together and join us for a fun day out on the golf course.
If you are able consider sponsoring the event or donating a gift for the silent auction or a prize. (see lower down the page for more details)
Where: Southampton Golf & Country Club
When: Thursday June 13th, 2024
- Registration opens at 11:30 am.
- BBQ Lunch from Noon
- Ball Toss at 12:45 pm
- Shot Gun Start 1:00 pm (9 and 18 Hole)
Teams: Ladies/Mens/Mixed
Entry Fees per person:
- 9 Holes c/w Cart $110 with Roast Beef/BBQ Chicken Dinner or $80 without Dinner
- 18 Holes c/w $140 with Roast Beef/BBQ Chicken Dinner
- BBQ Lunch and Beverage/Beer Sampling Station courtesy of our friends at Three Sheets Brewery
- Experience Sampling Stations (Beer/Wine and more..!)
- 9 or 18 Hole Scramble Golf Tournament with Cart
- Ball Toss. ($100 Cash Prize)
- Proximity Prizes (Longest Putt, Closest to Line)
- Draw Table Prizes including our famous Wheel Barrow of Wine.
- Silent Auction Items
- Charitable Receipt
For More Information Contact: Rob Hughes @ 226-453-2096 or Henry Weickert @ 519-797-1388
Registration Form.
See the link at the top of this page to download a 2024 Registration Form.
Mail your completed registration form to Southampton Rotary Club, 39 Grey St S, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0
or email to before June 1st, 2024
It would be appreciated if you could submit your payment by cheque made payable to "Southampton Rotary Club"
or a credit card number along with the form.
E-transfer is also available at
This will help speed up registration and be more convenient for you and your fellow golfers. Thank you.

Sponsor Opportunities (See also the downloadable letter link above)
We would like to thank you for all your past support and if you are able, we would very much appreciate your support in the following ways:
Your sign or banner displayed in a prominent location at the event.
Your sign will be displayed by the tee block on one of the holes.
Another sign will be displayed at the putting green.
Your logo on the poster for the event (if received in time).
Your business will be noted on social media as a MAJOR SPONSOR,
as well as listed in the program and the “Thank You Acknowledgement"
Your sign will be displayed exclusively by the tee block on one of the holes
Another sign will be displayed at the putting green.
Your business will be noted on social media as a SILVER SPONSOR,
as well as listed in the program and the “Thank You” advert.
Your sign will be displayed at the putting green
Your business will be noted on social media as a BRONZE SPONSOR
Your business will be noted in the program and the "Thank you Acknowledgement".PROVIDE ITEM(S) OR A GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR:
- The Silent Auction
- The Draw Table
- Golf Proximity Prizes.
Your business will be noted in the program and “Thank You Acknowledgement".
Please make your cheque payable to “The Rotary Club of Southampton” and call me at 226 453 2096 or email me at to arrange collection of your cheque or donated items. Please also contact me if you have any questions or wish to discuss your support.
Thank you so much for your consideration. With your help, if that’s possible, we look forward to having a fun and successful fundraising event.