2010 to 2019
Rotary Hall Accessibility 2012
In 2012 a Federal Government "Enabling Accessibility" Grant developed by Rotarians Tony Sheard and John Conlin allowed us to make a new kitchen on the south side of the hall and an accessible washroom on the north side. The front entrance was also made fully accessible with power doors.
Southampton Rotary Splash Pad, Jubilee Park - 2017
Following the successful completion of the Accessible Playground at Jubilee Park back in 2010 the club along with the Town of Saugeen Shores obtained an indicative quote for a splash pad to be located behind the Fire Hall at the Park. This project was put on the back burner and is currently sitting in the Town's unfunded capital list for circa 2018. The club was coming off a major fundraising initiative for the Hospital Campaign for the new ER /Laboratory which commenced construction in May 2016 and had been in dialogue with the Town about revisiting the Project in 2017 as a "Canada 150th Project" and to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Foundation.
The club's original proposal was to look at some form of Public Art to celebrate the 150th. To confirm this concept the Club surveyed the Town Recreation Dept, The Southampton BIA and the local public school, GC Huston. The BIA rejected the public art proposal and strongly supported a Splash Pad Project, The School children conducted their own research and advised that a skate park or splash pad was the top of their findings. The Town Recreation Dept would not support a Skate Park at Jubilee Park but confirmed their support for a splash pad. On this basis, the club obtained some indicative quotes in the Winter of 2015/16 from 2 suppliers and this gave some confidence that a pad can be completed for around $150,000 with running costs of around $8,000 pa. in keeping with the main playground the pad would be designed for ease of use and accessibility. The pad design featured an underground holding tank to capture and repurpose used water for reuse in the existing park's irrigation system and to provide an alternate source of water to refill the Town's Fire Truck Tankers.
The Club presented a proposal to build a $150,000 pad at Jubilee Park in 2017 to the Town's Recreation and Active Transport Committee and a presentation was also been made to the Town's Accessibility Advisory Committee and they gave the project their endorsement. The club was invited to firm up on potential donors and make a second presentation at a full Council Meeting on July 25th, 2016. The Council approved the proposal provided the Club took on the full risk and fully funded the project in return for a 5-year interest-free loan. As the pad is located to the rear of Southampton Fire Hall the Town suggested we adopt a "Fire Fighting" theme for the splash pad.
The club put in place a detailed fundraising plan, including engraved pavers, which was so successful that over $220,000 was raised in less than a year, so additional features and shaded picnic tables were added.

Grand Opening - Summer 2017

Some Rotarians take an early bath

Fundraising Pavers

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