2000 to 2009
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TOUR OF HOMES 2001 to 2008 by Bob Speight
Bob Speight brought the idea to Southampton from his club in St. Thomas. I attended the St. Thomas Rotary Club during the winter. Each August, starting from 2001 to 2008, the tour was held. The first year it was Saturday and Sunday. In the following years, it was held on Sundays from 10AM. to 4PM. There were 300 tickets sold.
Starting in April, Bob would visit homeowners, florists and decorators. Karen organized 2 shifts of volunteers for each room of each house. All Rotarians were asked to make homemade cookies served with lemonade at one of the houses. The homeowners, decorators, and florists were given a pottery plaque, made by Carol Hahn, representing the year they took part. The homeowners were always invited to a Rotary meeting for dinner and a thank you.
In 2007, we had a sudden downpour just before the homes opened. By the time we got the cookies and lemonade in the chosen home, her kitchen looked like she had had a flood.
Our last year, 2008, we featured several old original Southampton cottages. We served the lemonade in the beautiful backyard of Art and Chris Eby. Art is the past president of our club.
We are delighted that our friends the "Chantry Island Chambettes" have now taken on the Tour of Homes and they donate the proceeds to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation.

Dinner Auction 2002 to present day by Bob Speight
The first dinner auction was held in May 2002 at Grosvenor's during Don White's presidency. Rotarian Ron Luciano brought the idea from a club he attended in Florida during the winter. Ron was the auctioneer till 2010, after which Rotarian Pat O'Connor took over auctioneering duties.
The second Auction was held in October 2003 at Chippewa Golf & Country Club. It was called a Thanksgiving Feast. It was held at Chippewa for 9 years. Starting in 2013 it was held at the Walker House.
In 2020 the Auction was suspended due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and was re-started in October 2022, again at the Walker House. The Auctioneer was Bill Walker and it included a Fund A Need component for a Horse for PRANCE. The overall evening raised in excess of $43,000 net.
Photo from 2022.

Rotary Perkins Park by Bob Speight
The park was dedicated on June 1st, 2003, during Bob Speight's presidency.
The land was purchased from Gladys Perkins for $20,000. Don Sim built the pergola.
Club members worked tirelessly to plant gardens and trees and make a trail through the woods.
Two red maples were planted in memory of Archie & Gladys Perkins and dedicated by their 2 daughters, Betty Perkins, and Ruth Herr.
Rotarian, Rev. Ken Russ gave the dedication prayer