Mon. Jan. 22
9:15 - Sauble
10:15 - Hepworth
11:45 - Tara
12:45 - SDSS
2:15 - St. Joseph’s
Tues. Jan 23
9:15 - G.C. Huston
12:45 - Northport
2:15 – PESCS
This year, students and teachers at each school will be skating, skiing, sledding, snowshoeing, walking, running and doing other movement activities to collectively propel their school across Canada. Each school will leave St. John’s Newfoundland on February 1st and will try to get to Vancouver before February 29th, following Terry Fox’s and Steve Fonyo’s route. Students will be asking parents, relatives and friends to sponsor them on their individual Winterama challenge, and all donations collected by the students will go to special projects in their schools and school nutrition programs. Improved prizes will be awarded by Rotary for top pledge earners across the 8 Winterama schools and within each school. Rotary will also award fun prizes for all students achieving 25 kms, 50 kms and 75 kms, and a top class prize in each school as well. Nuclear Promise X has designed a slick website where students track their personal kms and compare how they, their class and their school are doing in the race across Canada. The website will keep students and teachers updated on what province and city they are in as they travel across our huge nation. Please consider offering a financial pledge to a keen student this February, as they try to achieve a personal fitness goal and provide "service above self" to their schools, to make their schools a better place. Businesses can also consider making donations to Rotary Winterama to help offset costs for the program and to support Rotary youth programs in our area. The 3 Rotary clubs involved thank our very generous businesses that have offered support this year so far, and in years past, as Winterama and many other Rotary youth programs would not exist without their steadfast generosity and community mindedness.
For more information on how the 2024 Rotary Winterama program works, go to the promotional/instructional video at
To record your distances:
Here are a few pics from Northport.