Housing for All Forum  on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 7:00 pm by ZOOM
Saugeen Shores is the fastest-growing community in Bruce County. This creates many opportunities with a wide variety of people who are bringing many needed skills and helping us to grow. On the other hand, it is also driving up the cost and creating a dire shortage of housing for many of our citizens. There is simply not enough inventory of housing of all kinds.
A local advocacy group begun by our two local United Churches has been formed and has established two major short term priorities:
  1. To serve as ambassadors for “Housing for All”
  2. To educate the public through local organizations and informal groups about the needs for housing in Saugeen Shores and the surrounding area and possible first step solutions.
Two members of this group will share their perspectives with local service clubs.
  • Mike Myatt, Vice Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Attainable Housing Task Force for Saugeen Shores will give a brief synopsis of the report to council and share some of the first steps taken by the Town of Saugeen Shores to address the needs.
  • Mark Havitz, local advocate for Habitat for Humanity will give a brief overview of recent work done in the area and possible plans for Saugeen Shores.
The Rotary Club of Southampton is thrilled to host this event via Zoom on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, at 7:00 pm.
Rotary Club Members and Advocacy Group Members REGISTER HERE.
Interested Members of the Public may contact us CLICK HERE.